
一个地方 古希腊的殖民城市 在这曾发生过著名的特洛伊战争,特洛伊木马就出自这场战争。
2、troyboi soundclash歌词什么意思?
One of South East London's most closely guarded secrets has recently emerged from the shadows and is set to take the music
industry by storm. Known only as TroyBoi, this multi-talented musician specialises in extraordinarily unique, versatile, and highly musical tracks that fuses various textures from multiple genres and brands it as 'My Style'. TroyBoi is without a doubt one of the top up-and-coming producers in the game right now and it's quite clear from his composition that his influences are vast indeed. He has already produced tracks with some very high profile artists and his collaboration with Flosstradamus 'Soundclash' is arguably one of the biggest anthems in the scene today. His style is undeniably his own, infectious to the ears and beyond stimulating to the mind. He is also one half of the Producer/DJ duo SoundSnobz with one of his
best friends, icekream and together they craft the most creative and daring audio paintings you'll ever listen to. Buckle up and get ready to be taken into the world of TroyBoi because once you are in, you will NEVER want to get out.
troy 意为“金衡制”(用于测量珍贵金属或宝石的衡量制;以盎司每磅为基础每盎司为格令。)
troy是美国特洛伊大学。美国特洛伊大学 (Troy University,简称TROY) 始建于1887年,是一所美国公立大学,被普林斯顿评论 (The Princeton Review) 评为东南部最佳大学。《金钱杂志》(Money Magazine) 最近将特洛伊大学评为全美前25所最有价值的公立大学之一。在此就读一年本科或研究生的全部费用仅需23,000美元。学校位于美国阿拉巴马州特洛伊市,学校占地面积234万平方米。美国特洛伊大学培养了许多优秀人才,包括服务于里根时期联邦政府的经济学家,知名音乐作曲家,国家新闻工作者,国际儿童心脏基金会的发起人,许多政府机关要员,以及4位登月宇航员,其中一位曾任太空船“Endeavour”的总指挥。目前特洛伊大学设有五个学院,分别是商学院、教育学院、传媒与艺术学院、文理学院、健康与公共事业学院,开办了100多门专业课程,拥有30,000名学生。具有学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位授予权。